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今天在找驗證錯誤的 bug,發現有點誤解 IsOptional 的用法,看 code 的註解還是不太懂,missing 到底是指什麼

  • source code 的註解
import { ValidationOptions } from '../ValidationOptions';
* Checks if value is missing and if so, ignores all validators.
export declare function IsOptional(validationOptions?: ValidationOptions): PropertyDecorator;

看官方的文件才發現,有種想發個 PR 的衝動XDD

  • Checks if given value is empty (=== null, === undefined) and if so, ignores all the validators on the property.


import { IsNumber, IsOptional, validateSync } from 'class-validator'

class SomeClass {
@IsOptional() // 如果 value 是 null / undefined -> 就不驗證
@IsNumber({ allowNaN: false })
something: number | null

constructor(something?: number | null) {
this.something = something ?? null

const a = new SomeClass() // something 為 null -> 不驗證
console.log(validateSync(a).length) // 0

const b = new SomeClass(NaN) // something 為 NaN -> 會驗證 -> 驗證沒過
console.log(validateSync(b).length) // 1